Bus Information

A daily shuttle route is available for ESM K - 8 students from campus to campus in the morning and afternoon at no additional cost. This allows for drop-off or pick-up of the student at whichever campus is most convenient. With this service, be assured that no matter where you live in the greater Fort Wayne area, there are options for how your family chooses to get your students to school each day. Families may choose to use the bus on a daily basis or just as needed. Students are asked to behave with courtesy and respect on the bus at all times. You can access the Bus Policy in the documents section below.
The shuttle leaves from the Getz Road Campus at 8:00 am and arrives at the Union Street Campus at 8:10 am. It then departs from the Union Street Campus by 8:20 am, arriving at the Getz Road Campus by 8:30 am. In the afternoon, the shuttle leaves from the Getz Road Campus at 3:00 pm and arrives at the Union Street Campus by 3:15 pm. It then departs from the Union Street Campus by 3:20 pm, arriving at the Getz Road Campus by 3:35 pm.
Complete the registration for each student in your family who will ride the bus on a regular basis. Accommodations will be made for transport for sports practices. Please do NOT complete if your student only needs the shuttle for sports practices.