SCRIP Program
What is SCRIP?
ESM sponsors a SCRIP program which allows you to purchase SCRIP. The SCRIP you purchase through our program generates rebates from the participating retailers. These rebates can be used as a credit to your tuition account, as a credit to the 8th grade class trip (grades 6, 7, 8), cash back to you, and/or a gift to the school. Everyone who purchases SCRIP needs to complete an agreement form. The form is available at either school office and must be completed and returned.
SCRIPS are gift certificates and prepaid cards that are used just like cash to make everyday purchases. When you purchase SCRIPS, you receive dollar for dollar what you buy - meaning there is no additional cost to you when using SCRIPS. The profit comes from the companies that participate in the program. The profit is then designated toward and individual family's tuition, the 8th grade class trip to Washington, DC (grades 6, 7, and 8 only), cash back to you or if no designation is made the proceeds go to ESM. SCRIPS are a fast and convenient way to pay for your everyday purchases such as gas, groceries, clothing or for that evening out.
We encourage you to order online by setting up an account at Before doing so please contact the school office for the ESM enrollment code. Online you will find a complete listing of all the SCRIPS that are available. If you order online and choose to pay by check, we must receive a verification of your order along with payment before your order can be processed. SCRIP eCards are now available for immediate download on the SCRIP's RaiseRight website so there is no waiting for your purchase. If you choose to use our long order form, which is at the bottom of this page in the document section, simply complete the form and return it along with payment to either school office. Please encourage your family and friends to participate!
We also have Cash and Carry scrips available at both school offices during normal operating hours which features our more popular SCRIPS. These are subject to availability, therefore if you are paying by check, please do not complete your check until your order is filled.
If you have any questions about the SCRIP program, please contact our Scrip Coordinator, Tasha Bible at 260-341-3136 or Mrs. Melissa Carsten at 260-459-1616.
SCRIP Documents
Everyone who purchases scrip needs to complete an agreement form before purchasing scrip initially and then update the form if you have any changes to your designation. The form is available in the documents section below or available at either school office and must be completed and returned. You will also find a copy of available SCRIPs and an enrollment packet that outlines how to enroll online.
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