Spirit Wear
ESM has a strong tradition of showing support for the school through different types of apparel. There are different types of approved school clothing. Here are some descriptions of each:
- Spirit Wear - ESM approved apparel that has the school logo intended for all families. Spirit wear shirts can be worn by students on Fridays and on special dress days throughout the school year. Spirit wear sweatshirts and pullovers can be worn over the school uniform shirt any school day. Short or long-sleeve ESM polo shirts may be worn any day of the week.
- Athletic Wear - ESM approved athletic apparel that is intended for all sports. In an effort to minimize additional costs, one design is utilized for all sports. These clothing items can be worn by athletes on Fridays only. Student’s last name can be added to the back of these items (no nicknames). The athletic logo is available in various colors.
- Other Wear - ESM also provides other types of apparel like our annual school theme shirt and Physical Education (PE) uniforms. Theme shirts are only available on the Spirit Wear order online in August. PE uniforms are required for students in grades 6-8 and will be available for purchase at registration. Extra theme shirts and PE uniforms will be ordered and available on a first come basis through the school office.
There are separate stores for Spirit Wear and Athletic Wear (see links below). Specific dates and information about closing and delivery dates will be provided as the heading on the online store websites. The Spirit Wear store will be open monthly throughout the school year while the Athletic Wear store will be available at the beginning of each sport season.
Need an item sooner? Have questions? Contact our ESM spirit wear coordinator Mrs. Janet Smith to see if your item is in the limited in-stock inventory.
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